Friday, 15 December 2023

Review: Fool Me Once

Fool Me Once Fool Me Once by Ashley Winstead
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Lee Stone has been burnt by heartbreak and as a consequence refuses to believe in love, preferring meaningless hook-ups instead. By day she's the ultra-professional Comms Director for an electric car company working hard to persuade the new Texas Governor to replace all state vehicles with electric alternatives. However, by night she's a hard-drinking, drug-taking, one-night stand, party girl.

The Governor has finally appointed a policy expert, the one obstacle to him putting the clean energy bill to the house, unfortunately his policy expert Ben Laderman is Lee's ex. The fourth heartbreak, something that was entirely Lee's fault. Of course the Governor proposes that Lee and Ben work together to get the bill approved! Lee and Ben will do anything to get the three swing votes across the line, but with a strong competitive tension between them are they enemies or soon to be reunited?

I really enjoyed The Boyfriend Candidate and so when I saw this ARC available on NetGalley I jumped at the chance. Some of my disenchantment with this book is that I kept thinking the Governor in this book was Logan Arthur from that book (in my defence he was running for Texas Governor) and so it created a bit of confusion. However, I think most of my dissatisfaction is that I found Lee to be both unbelievable and unlikable. I now realise that this book pre-dates The Boyfriend Candidate, which may explain why it doesn't feel as polished or as plausible.

Overall, I enjoyed it, but not as much as The Boyfriend Candidate.

I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley for an honest review.

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