My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Evie Bird is a reclusive best-selling romance author with a terrible case of imposter syndrome which she manifests through reckless spending on material items that she doesn't want or need. Her spending is so out of control that she struggles to pay the nursing home fees for her mother, who has Alzheimer's. She's been let down, first by her father, and then by a series of boyfriends, which have left her feeling unlovable and as though her talent is ephemeral. One of her books is being made into a film, starring the world-famous British-born actor Duke Carlisle and she is contractually obligated to be on hand during the filming, which takes place in Germany during December.
Duke Carlisle might be world-famous, but he had a difficult childhood and is always seeking affirmation. After his last romance (with his co-star Daphne) imploded after she was exposed having an affair with their married Director Duke is feeling particularly unloved and rejected, but as a professional he will suck it up and work with Daphne and the producer to make this film, not least because the book it is based on was written by one of his favourite authors. Duke is so eager to meet Evie that he overdoes the charm offensive, coming across as fake. It doesn't help that Evie really doesn't want to be on-set, mixing with people, she avoids press conferences, interviews, and book signings for a reason and being forced to mingle and do publicity is a form of torture.
Given that Duke and Daphne's broken relationship has been splashed all over the tabloids, as has the Director's broken marriage, when the paparazzi catch Evie and Duke having what looks like a steaming row in the street, the investors get nervous and so 'someone' in their wisdom thinks a fauxmance between Evie and Duke will be just the thing to generate good publicity. Against their better judgement Evie and Duke agree to fake-date, just for December, until filming stops.
Hollywood actor, fake-dating, reclusive author, Christmas in picturesque Germany, what more could a romance reader want?
This started quite oddly, there were a couple of points where I wondered if a chunk of prose had been deleted accidentally as I couldn't really follow what was happening, there was a similar issue just as Evie and Duke kissed for the first time. But once I got going I was hooked.
I really enjoyed this and it was only 99p at the time of review.
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