Saturday, 3 February 2024

Review: Relight My Fire

Relight My Fire Relight My Fire by C.K. McDonnell
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Three and a half stars.

We return to Manchester and the Stranger Times newspaper, they thought they were publishing ridiculous stories, conspiracy theories, and wild imaginings, turns out a lot of it was true.

Someone is distributing dodgy pills which enhance any minute magical ability of the taker which has resulted in a woman's touch turning everything to flowers, another woman setting a bathroom alight, and one unfortunate young man thinking he could fly (well, TBH he could for a minute until his brain overthought things). Said unfortunate young man happened to reacquaint himself with terra firma right in front of Stella, who was trying to be a normal young woman, but The Founders are convinced the two events are connected.

So generally its business very much as usual at the Stranger Times. I won't mention the fading rockstar, the improbable sisters, the Quaker, the ghoul, the body snatchers, or the brass goblins - I mean, what would be the point?

Generally if you liked the three previous novels you'll like this. The style is familiar, the humour is dry, and not all of the bodies are breathing.

I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley for an honest review.

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