Tuesday, 20 February 2024

Review: A Wedding at Heatherly Hall

A Wedding at Heatherly Hall A Wedding at Heatherly Hall by Julie Houston
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

The trials and tribulations of the triplets Rosa, Hannah, and Eva continue. Not only do they have to organise the wedding of a famous Bollywood actress and a rock star at short notice, but they are also producing a play about the night a set of jade jewellery intended as a gift for Wallis Simpson went missing in the Hall the following day!

That in itself would have been sufficient plot for a novel, especially when it seems many people believe the jewellery is still hidden somewhere in the Hall and are keen to find it. However, Julie Houston also introduces love tribulations for two of the triplets *and* brings Joe's ex-wife back from Australia to claim their daughter. I'm sure I've griped about this before, but there is just too much going on what with a wedding, a treasure hunt, a play, two love triangles, IVF, an ex-wife, and Virginia deciding to play lady of the manor. It felt a bit like things had been deliberately disrupted (having only just been settled in the previous book) only to be resolved almost instantaneously at the end of the book.

Overall, a pleasant enough read, although I think anyone who hadn't read the previous books might have struggled with the dynamics and relationships.

I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley for an honest review.

Also available on Kindle Unlimited.

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