Sunday, 12 May 2024

Review: Last to Die: A totally gripping Scottish crime thriller

Last to Die: A totally gripping Scottish crime thriller Last to Die: A totally gripping Scottish crime thriller by Doug Sinclair
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The second outing for DS Malkie McCulloch.

On a cold Edinburgh night Malkie is called out to a fatal stabbing in a park, following a trail of blood drops he is led to a house, but after calling for back-up he hears an altercation inside and sees a burly man creeping up behind an elderly woman, he calls out to warn her but gets knocked out for his pains. When he awakes the house is empty.

The elderly woman, Lilibeth Crosbie, was a retired police officer. Worried for her safety the police set out to find her, only to find that two missing persons reports had already been filed for her, 45 years ago by someone called Ben Hutchison. Digging further back into the archives, it appears that Crosbie's career had effectively been terminated after she realised a female prisoner from custody on New Year's Eve 1977 on her cognisance and the girl apparently got lost and froze to death.

Something, or someone, has stirred up memories of that night and one by one the officers who were on duty at that police station that night are being hunted down and killed.

I really enjoyed this book, less graphically gory than the first book (my taste tends more towards police procedural and cosy than thrillers), I recognised the link between the way in which the victims were killed. However, sitting here writing my review a scant five minutes after finishing reading I have lots of questions - some of the 'what came first, the chicken or the egg?' variety. (view spoiler)

Read my spoilers in my Goodreads review, here.

So overall, really enjoyed it but I now have questions and I'm not sure if I didn't read it properly or if the plot doesn't really hold up to scrutiny.

I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley.

Also available on Kindle Unlimited.

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