Wednesday, 15 August 2018

Review: Boy Toy

Boy Toy Boy Toy by Sarina Bowen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Whew, what a relief!

I enjoyed the first book in this series but really could not get into the second book (Man Card) at all so I approached this third book with trepidation - I loved it.

Sadie is a divorced mother of three year old twin girls. After her divorce she has had a crisis of confidence as her husband said he found her unattractive after giving birth (charmer). Then she runs into Liam, a guy she used to babysit when she was 20 and he was 14 years old, he's now 29 years old, fit, and working at the new daycare centre she is leaving the twins.

What follows is a glorious romance between a gun-shy divorcee and a too-good-to-be-true younger guy who still holds a flame for his first true love (the babysitter). Liam was glorious, Sadie was sweet, the twins were the cutest moppets ever. I might even have rated this higher if it weren't for Sadie's friends Ash and Brynn who were super annoying.

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