Monday, 6 August 2018

Review: The Chase

The Chase The Chase by Elle Kennedy
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Dean Di Lauretis' little sister Summer has been kicked out of Brown for burning down her sorority and her father has pulled some strings to get her into Briar University. Unfortunately for Summer her sorority sisters refuse to let her join at Briar, citing her bad behaviour, so she is suddenly homeless just before term starts.

Dean arranges for her to take his room at the townhouse he used to share with Hollis, Hunter and Fitzy which is great, if Summer hadn't been dissed by Fitzy and retaliated by kissing Hunter at a New Years' Eve party - awkward!

Colin Fitzpatrick has spent most of his childhood and all of his adult life as a pawn in his parents' acrimonious divorce, he daren't tell anyone how he actually feels for fear it will be used as a weapon in a divorce battle that has never truly ended.

Summer may be the daughter of two successful lawyers and obscenely wealthy by anyone's standards but that doesn't mean she's had it easy. A form of ADHD means she finds studying difficult and writing essays a herculean feat, when the rest of your family are hot-shot lawyers it can be devastating when you are failing a fashion course for the written work. Self-esteem issues aside, Summer is Colin's opposite: outspoken where he is reserved, gregarious where he is a loner, fashion to his jock. Yet neither of them can deny their attraction.

I liked this, but I didn't love it. It was funny and sweet and sexy, yet I'll be honest, three hours after reading the book I couldn't remember the heroine's name.

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