Thursday, 9 August 2018

Review: The Rodeo Cowboy's Baby

The Rodeo Cowboy's Baby The Rodeo Cowboy's Baby by Heidi Rice
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Evie Donnelly is an Irish journalist with a relatively successful blog, in a local New York newspaper, called Evie8 which started out as a single woman's musings on life in New York and the vagaries of the dating scene. Then she met 'the one', got married and tried to have a baby, and tried, and tried. Her blog became about IVF, infertility and disappointment and the disintegration of her marriage. The cherry on the cake? Her ex-husband has got his new girlfriend pregnant 'by accident'.

Her pit-bull editor tells Evie that her blog has become too sad and depressing and needs new blood - and what screams new blood more than riding a cowboy? Not as off-the-wall as it sounds, Evie's BFF Charlie is a photographer and she lives in Marietta which just happens to be hosting the 79th Copper Mountain Rodeo. She's invited Evie to stay and cover the rodeo.

Evie is too emotionally battered to think about an affair, when Charlie tries to pimp one of her husband's cowboys Flynn as a fantastic guy who only does one-night stands Evie is horrified and gives Charlie her opinion of farm boys/ cowboys with extremely colourful language. Unfortunately Flynn is outside in the corridor, in turns furious at being judged by a total stranger (and of course being lumped together with farm boys as if they were remotely similar to cowboys) and turned on by the husky Irish accent.

Flynn is the sort of guy who gets on with everyone, so the antagonism he feels for Evie is unusual, but he is determined to make this beautiful, ethereal woman eat her words.
But when the rodeo is over, Evie and Flynn can’t forget those three stolen nights together in Marietta–especially when their wild, wonderful ride turns out to have even more unforgettable consequences.
I'm reading this series all out of order but I have to say this is the best one I've read so far (of three). It's earthy and funny and sassy and hawt. Phew-ee, Evie and Flynn have so much chemistry it just jumps right off the Kindle screen.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

View all my reviews

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