Sunday, 4 November 2018

Review: Dearest Rogue

Dearest Rogue Dearest Rogue by Elizabeth Hoyt
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This one didn't really do it for me.

Lady Phoebe Batten, sister of the Duke of Wakefield is almost totally blind. Her brother has hired the former dragoon Captain James Trevillion to guard her and keep her from harm. Then several attempts are made to kidnap Phoebe and James decides the only way to keep her safe is to spirit her away to a secret location.

It has taken me quite a long time to read this book, mainly because I found it less than enthralling. Now I've reached the end I can barely remember the beginning but I found the reasons for the kidnapping to be beyond comprehension.

There was nothing wrong with Phoebe and James as a couple, the book just seemed slow and like a series of repetitions.

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