Friday, 23 November 2018

Review: Through Fire

Through Fire Through Fire by Freya Barker
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Ruby is a former prostitute on the run. After spending six months in a safe house she has got a job at a bar called The Skipper and has moved into an apartment owned by one of her colleagues.

Tim is a regular at the bar and a friend of Viv's husband Ike. He barely even registers Ruby until one day she is left in charge of the kitchen (despite not being able to cook) and he comes to her rescue.

As the truth about Ruby's past and the murder she witnessed come to light it isn't only Ruby that is put in danger.

This reminded me very much of Scarlett Cole's writing, albeit with more mature (older) characters. Ruby's past is horrific and I can't even comprehend how such things can happen in real life (although I know they do), she fears for her life and has no-one to turn to. Yet the family she makes at The Skipper help her to start making a life, a life that could even include love.

Yet another winner from Freya Barker.

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