My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Three and a half stars.
Lucy Kavanagh is a kick-ass PR fixer, its her job to smooth over whatever disaster her mega-successful clients have created and that's what earns her the big bucks. In her job she's loud and fearless but although she talks a big talk, in private she makes jokes about her weight before others can make nasty comments.
Frankie Hartigan is a fireman, forced to take two weeks leave by his fire chief he is drowning his sorrows with his brother Ford when he sees a guy hassling his brother's girlfriend's BFF Lucy so he steps in to rescue her. The two of them spend the evening chatting about everything and nothing. Frankie is starting to feel left out, everyone he knows is getting loved up and he's never had that sort of feeling for a woman, he's starting to feel left out. Lucy is nothing like the sort of girl he normally goes for, she's far too clever and quick-witted for him, he tends to go for the girls who know the score and aren't looking for more than one night. Lucy is the kind of woman that wants forever.
When Lucy confesses that she doesn't want to attend her high school reunion alone Frankie offers to go with her, after all he has two weeks to kill and nothing to fill the time and the two of them are just friends ... right?
I liked the premise for this but I thought having Lucy being so insecure was just a bit of a cliche, can't a plus size woman be happy and confident inside and out? Also, although she and Frankie soon segue into a relationship while at the high school reunion nothing Frankie (or her father) says will convince her that Frankie genuinely likes her and wants to keep seeing her after the reunion is over. It got tiring quickly and soon I just felt like smashing her face into a brick wall and shouting 'do you believe him now?' over and over and over again.
And without giving away the ending, this is yet another series where the friends and siblings possess miraculous insight into the hero/ heroine's emotions and motivation but are emotionally deaf when it comes to their own.
Having said that, I desperately want to read the next book.
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