Wednesday, 21 August 2019

Review: Battle Scars

Battle Scars Battle Scars by Cara Carnes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Jesse and Ellie.

This series just gets grittier. Jesse Mason was Delta Force. Captured by insurgents he was tortured for six months before being rescued, alive but maimed and psychologically damaged. Ellie was his childhood sweetheart, his first, his last, his everything until she refused to come with him overseas and married another man.

Since he returned to The Arsenal Jesse has given Ellie the cold shoulder, and so have the rest of the Mason brothers but he soon comes to realise that Ellie is selflessly working to support The Arsenal and the Mason family. Slowly, especially after the car crash at the end of the previous book, Jesse starts to forgive Ellie. But with the trauma of his incarceration and torture affecting him physically and mentally can he ever be a husband to the woman he never stopped loving?

Earlier today I was reviewing book blurbs and rolling my eyes at the formulaic angst-angst-angst man with trauma yadda-yadda plots. Whilst Cara Carnes might do high intensity angst she does it with panache. Gritty and real, yet with real heart, high intensity drama, family tensions, lots of cookies, cartels, PTSD and a tight-knit community.

I just love this series, its high-octane romantic drama and I just can't wait for the next one.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley n return for an honest review.

View all my reviews

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