Monday, 26 August 2019

Review: Her Cowboy Boss

Her Cowboy Boss Her Cowboy Boss by Jeannie Watt
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

hree and a half stars.

McKenna Benjamin and her two year old son live on a small farm which was recently devastated by the fire which swept through their small Montana town. Her inheritance from her grandmother was enough for a frugal existence but won't cover the cost of rebuilding so McKenna needs a job, preferably something local. After divorcing her cheating husband McKenna's wealthy family were less than impressed and have cut her off without a dime.

She applies to work on the Marvell Ranch but is informed by the town gossip that the ranch manager Brodie Collins doesn't want her around. Brodie and McKenna went to school together, he was the class geek whereas she was school royalty. Brodie doesn't know why she's looking for work but the spoilt entitled princess her remembers isn't welcome.

Brodie isn't your typical cowboy, he still draws as much as ever and is studying photography. Although initially resistant to McKenna he soon realises she has changed and he comes to admire her work ethic, but can romance blossom when they work together?

I enjoyed this romance very much but felt it ended rather abruptly, the story had been quite slow moving and building up to a big confrontation which just seemed to be over before it had begun and we were straight into the epilogue. I wanted the ending to be drawn out a bit more.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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