Friday, 2 August 2019

Review: Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire?: A fairytale(ish) romantic comedy

Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire?: A fairytale(ish) romantic comedy Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire?: A fairytale(ish) romantic comedy by Sophie Ranald
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Three and a half stars.

Stella meets Julian falling off a lion in Trafalgar Square, six months later after a long-distance romance Stella moves from Scotland to London and Julian moves from Canada to London to live together. But all too soon cracks appear in Stella and Julian's romance, he's always working, she can't find a job, he treats her like his maid, she's morphed into a 1950s housewife.

Julian's best friend is Will. Will is a fellow nerd but used his nerd-powers to found a social media app called Shutterly (think Instagram) and is now seriously wealthy. Of course with great wealth and success comes a series of stuck-up, gold-digging girlfriends more interested in Will's money and being seen in all the right places than in Will himself.

Stella persuades Will to join a dating app pretending to be a run-of-the-mill teacher rather than a tech-millionaire but as they collaborate over his dating profile and gossip about his dates are Stella and Will better suited than Stella and Julian?

I enjoyed this comic romance, however I found Stella to be a bit of a doormat. She seems to buy all the food and do all the housework while Julian swans around doing whatever he feels like. She also becomes myopic as she believes anything that Julian says even if she knows better. I guess this is a classic case of the way that men can manipulate women into feeling in the wrong, even when they are right.

But anyway, free to borrow on Amazon Prime.

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