Sunday, 10 November 2019

Review: Hero's Haven

Hero's Haven Hero's Haven by Rebecca Zanetti
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

So I wasn't looking forward to this novella because Quade Karys and his eternity spent in an alternate dimension sacrificing himself to save the world, yawn, all the angst, yawn. But I was pleasantly surprised, this was more about Haven Daly the (apparently) human who has been drawing Quade and the other members of the Seven, plus alternate dimensions, for years.

Haven rescues Quade from the alternate dimension just when he thinks all hope is lost, but Quade's rescue brings the release of the Big Bad Ulric ever closer.

It turns out Haven isn't remotely human, she's a hitherto unknown hybrid, her adoptive parents are religious zealots who think Haven is possessed by a demon and have been hunting her for the past decade, little do they know they have hired a deranged cougar shifter to track her down.

So far and I was loving it, but then Quade defaulted to the domineering, me-right-you-wrong, alpha-hole mentality and I lost interest. Also, isn't it a rule that you can't rely on anything said in the throes of passion? You certainly can't believe a guy when he says he loves you so why should Quade extract a promise to obey him in everything by withholding orgasms?

Anyhoo, when Quade starting laying down the law, and he only wanted to mate Haven so that he could take on her powers and go and rescue the lost Fae/imprison Ulric on his own - talk about a metaphor for marriage taking power away from women! - I lost interest. Also, does it seem to anyone else that Pierce and Ulric are quite frankly more clever and more powerful that the Seven? Just putting it out there ...

Anyway, Quade hits some of my PNR buttons so this was only a three star read for me, others may well adore his manly take-charge nature. Can mad Ben be the next of the Seven to find a mate? And please for the love of all that is holy can we kill/imprison Ulric forever now?

I received a free copy of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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