Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Review: Meet Me at Willoughby Close

Meet Me at Willoughby Close Meet Me at Willoughby Close by Kate Hewitt
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Ellie Matthews is a divorced single mother, she's moved from Manchester to the small village of Wychwood-on-Lea with her eleven year old daughter Abby, where they have rented a cottage in the newly renovated Willoughby Close, as a new start for both of them; a new job for her at Oxford University and getting away from the mean girls at her school for Abby.

But things quickly turn sour, Ellie has been assigned as assistant to a grouchy lecturer to type up his book on Victorian children without her knowledge, and she's already 24 hours late. Abby finds that mean girls are just as common in idyllic villages as in inner cities and the yummy mummies give Ellie the cold shoulder. Oh, and Ellie's parents and older sister are convinced she'll fail and come running home / need rescuing, again.

But then things start to get better, Abby and Ellie make friends with the owner of Willougby Manor, Lady Stokeley, Ellie's grouchy boss has a nephew called Tobias who makes friends with Abby and suddenly romance seems a possibility.

I have read these books totally out of order, can I just say that Kate Hewitt is what I want Katie Fforde books to be, but I'm always slightly disappointed (by KF not KH). There's humour, dogs, fish and chips and cottages in Cornwall, academics, crotchety aristocrats and a charming romance.

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