Saturday, 16 November 2019

Review: A Vicarage Wedding

A Vicarage Wedding A Vicarage Wedding by Kate Hewitt
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Three and a half stars.

Rachel's story. Rachel and Dan had their whole lives mapped out. Big wedding, expensive dress, honeymoon in Provence, big house, Aga, dog, five kids. Then on the night before their wedding Dan calls off the wedding, saying Rachel doesn't really love him. Although Rachel is devastated part of her is also relieved and in her heart of hearts she knows he's right. Dan is a good man, a good catch, solid, dependable, he would make a great father, but although Rachel loves him he doesn't make her go all tingly.

Now, with her parents gone to China, Rachel must pick up the pieces of her life and understand that her dream of a loving family of her own doesn't have to be a five star glossy extravaganza, sometimes love can grow where you least expect it, and something good is worth working hard for.

I will say that although this series is (dare I say it) pretty formulaic, it also throws some curveballs. I had thought that Anna and Dan would get together in the first book and I didn't expect the romance in this book to take the turn it did.

Already started on Miriam's novel.

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