Sunday, 23 May 2021

Review: Hope on the Range

Hope on the Range Hope on the Range by Cindi Madsen
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Brady Dawson and Tanya Greer have been best friends forever, growing up on neighbouring farms they have bickered, goaded, and taunted each other since they were small. Everyone else gives them grief about coming clean about being a couple, but they know they are just friends. Well, except that Tanya has felt differently the last six months and has bought a book about flirting online to try to get Brady's notice. Brady may have had some thoughts in that direction once or twice, their prom being a case in point, but Tanya shot him down so he put her in the friend zone, but recently she's been acting a bit odd, is she flirting?

Brady and his family (including some adopted brothers) run a farm which helps kids that have got into trouble with the law. Swapping healthy outdoor living for drink, drugs and crime. Tanya's family run a dude ranch on their farm.

There was nothing wrong with this book, but also there was no tension to really engage me, there was more romance (although U rated) between one of the bad boys at the Dawson ranch and one of the goody-two-shoes locals who helps out on the farm than there was between Brady and Tanya. I just didn't feel any spark between them, they were both too nice.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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