Thursday, 27 May 2021

Review: How Much Wine Will Fix My Broken Heart?

How Much Wine Will Fix My Broken Heart? How Much Wine Will Fix My Broken Heart? by Kristen Bailey
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Three and a half stars.

This is the fourth book in the series about the Callaghan sisters and it is about Grace Callaghan. Grace was widowed in her twenties when her husband Tom died of testicular cancer. It's three years later and Grace has adopted two Vietnamese sisters, daughters of a couple that Tom knew in Vietnam when he was travelling the world.

Tom's mother wrote a book about Tom for charity and has raised enough money to build a wing on the school where he used to teach, she is also taking the opportunity of the opening ceremony to hold a memorial for Tim, inviting all his friends from around the world.

Grace is struggling to move on after Tom's death, she still talks to his photograph at night and dreams of him several times a week. Whereas Tom was adventurous and outgoing Grace is reserved and a homebody, his death has made her retreat even further into herself.

By turns hilariously funny and heartbreakingly sad, this will make you wish you had your very own Tom in your life, he packed a lot of living and loving into his twenty-eight years on earth.

What do I love about Kristen Bailey's novels? They aren't predictable, cookie-cutter romances. What don't I like about Kristen Bailey's novels? They aren't predictable, cookie-cutter romances! I thought I knew where this was going, I was wrong.

Overall, I enjoyed it, read it in less than a day. Emma's book is still my favourite, maybe because I secretly want to be Emma?

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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