Saturday, 8 May 2021

Review: Time of My Life

Time of My Life Time of My Life by Mary Frame
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Jane Stewart is having the worst day of her life, over and over again. She's woken by loud music coming from the next door apartment, she's slept through her alarm, she puts her hand on something unspeakable on her journey into work and then she gets fired. Oh, and her sort-of boyfriend explains they were just hooking up and he wants to start dating the new girl at work, after they've had sex in a cupboard at work. Over and over again Jane lives through the same day, she changes her pitch but no matter what she does she gets fired because her social anxiety gets the better of her. Every day her secret crush asks her what's wrong and every day she lies to him and says everything is fine. Every afternoon her estranged sister leaves a note asking Jane to call her. Every night she falls asleep to the sound of the man next door crying himself to sleep.

Just like Bill Murray's character in the film Groundhog Day, Jane tries everything to break the cycle. She learns to overcome her social anxiety through pitching to her bosses over and over again. She makes friends with the man next door, she plucks up the courage to tell her secret crush that she's been fired, but none of it changes her fate. But every time Jane steps outside her comfort zone she learns that the world is not quite as scary as she thinks.

If you loved Groundhog Day, if you love drag queens and impossible romances then I think you'll love this quirky, charming romance.

I received a free copy of this book from the author in return for an honest review.

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