Friday, 26 November 2021

Review: The Blood Tide: A shocking, breathtaking, Scottish crime fiction mystery thriller

The Blood Tide: A shocking, breathtaking, Scottish crime fiction mystery thriller The Blood Tide: A shocking, breathtaking, Scottish crime fiction mystery thriller by Neil Lancaster
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Three and a half stars.

A police officer witnesses a suicide, but the man who committed suicide says that he is being forced to commit suicide in order to protect his family, and he references that they have accomplices in governmental agencies and were responsible for a recent murder at a loch. The policeman is sufficiently convinced that the man is being coerced by persons unknown that he records the conversation carefully in his statement to PIRC (the Police Investigations and Review Commissioner) and calls his old friend DS Max Craigie to discuss it and invite him over for a dram while he (Max) is touring the Highlands on his holiday.

When Max arrives to see his friend however he finds him hanging from the bannisters of his home, his police notebook has disappeared, and his witness statement has no references to coercion or any other murders. As the member of a small (three person) team with the long-winded title The Police Standards Reassurance Team, Max is responsible for identifying and tackling corruption and this stinks to high heaven.

So this is a police procedural with a difference, in so far as the reader knows who committed the murders, the mystery is who is the mysterious person feeding them information. I enjoyed the pace and plot of this novel, the first I have read by Neil Lancaster. However, I did have some concerns that there seemed to be a lot of coincidences/strokes of luck where someone not only could make the necessary connection but then off-the-cuff provide chapter and verse about the person and their associates (being deliberately vague). There were at least two separate instances where that happened. Also, I still can't wrap my head around how the final 'thing' happened and how they found out. Maybe I need to reread the book ...

Overall, another Scottish detective series to add to my growing list - what is it about Scottish murder mysteries?

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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