Saturday, 13 November 2021

Review: Strictly Christmas Spirit

Strictly Christmas Spirit Strictly Christmas Spirit by Helen Buckley
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Emily Williams had one season as a professional dancer on Strictly Dancing with Celebs. Now her life is very different, she is the manager of a drop in centre in central London dealing with the drunks, the homeless, the elderly and the lonely every day. The last thing she needs is thrice divorced, fresh out of rehab, Hollywood actor Blake Harris swanning around taking selfies and getting in her way as his community service for crashing his car.

Blake needs an image rehab, stat. After his latest divorce and car crash, as well as some frankly appalling interviews on TV, the job offers have dried up. He'll turn up for his allotted community service, dole out some food to the homeless and be on his merry way as quickly as possible, charming everyone in his radius. But turning up late on the first day doesn't go down too well with the centre's grumpy manager Emily, she seems to be the only one immune to his charm.

I liked this, but I didn't love it. For some reason it reminded me of the film Last Christmas (maybe it's just the homeless shelter). As I came to write this review I couldn't remember what plot lines belonged to this novel and which ones belonged to the previous novel in the series. Also, the link to Strictly is a bit tenuous in comparison to the previous books which were much more about the reality TV programmes.

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