My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Vera has a small business which chooses bespoke gifts and days out for people based on a website questionnaire. Unfortunately, her website is a big fat mess - which is a problem because she is going to need it for an exhibition she is attending on Friday. Having spent hours on hold with Curio, the website hosting company, (a company her brother recommended) she is delighted to speak to Cal from customer support and, as you would, she refuses to hang up and let him call her back (haven't we all sat around waiting for that non-existent call-back from customer support?).
As Cal tries to work out why Vera's website isn't working properly (I'll give you a hint, she hasn't updated her operating system EVER) they chat about this and that and over the course of many hours they develop a bond.
Unbeknown to Vera, Cal is actually the owner of Curio, he randomly takes customer service calls one day a week to better understand issues with the software directly from the users. Cal usually finds it difficult to talk to women, but because of the nature of their interactions he finds it easy to talk to Vera and her offbeat sense of humour suits him.
After 10 hours on the call on Monday Cal has fixed Vera's website, but the questionnaire still isn't working properly, he promises Vera he will have it fixed by Friday morning, in time for her expo. This is a big deal for Vera because her whole family think of her as a quitter, she's half-completed two degrees and taken up (and dropped) playing several musical instruments. If her website isn't fully functional her parents will chalk it up as yet another failure.
Over the course of four days Vera and Cal call, DM and send text messages, they even order each other takeaway food, and fall in love, despite never having met - but will Vera forgive Cal when she learns the truth?
I had already read the second book in this series, which features Vera's brother, so I knew what happened between Vera and Cal, but I enjoyed the journey anyway. A sweet romance.
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