Thursday, 17 August 2023

Review: The Murder Affair

The Murder Affair The Murder Affair by Alice Castle
My rating: 0 of 5 stars

Two and a half stars.

Beth is shocked to be asked by her mother Wendy to accompany her to a funeral. Even more shocked to discover that her mother was engaged to the deceased. However, when they get to Len's funeral there seems to be a disproportionate number of female mourners, including his wife!

Although the police think Len died of natural causes, Wendy suspects foul play (by Len's wife) and demands Beth investigates. Soon Beth uncovers that not only was Len a serial philanderer with multiple women hanging off his arms, he also wasn't averse to borrowing large sums of money from them. Moreover, his job as a local councillor seems to have lent itself to Len helping or hindering planning applications for a 'fee'.

The police still don't suspect foul play, not until Len's secretary Bella is found dead in the street. Now everyone is pointing the finger at everyone else and Wendy wants her name cleared before her Bridge tournament.

Sadly for me this series has become very rinse-and-repeat. Too much dog walking and Year 8 disco, too many of Beth's friend Nina's malapropisms (which aren't in the least bit funny). All the characters, including Beth, are just two-dimensional. All of which I could probably live with, but the plots always seem to end the same way, with Beth finding 'something', which is not shown to the reader, and then willingly/deliberately be alone with the murderer so that they can attempt to murder her.

I'm afraid this is the last book I will be reading in this series. Like the Stephanie Plum series it has become a parody of itself.

I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

Available on Kindle Unlimited.

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