Monday, 21 August 2023

Review: Things I Read About

Things I Read About Things I Read About by Kelsey Humphreys
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Sally Canton is the youngest of the five Canton sisters. She was very young when their mother was killed and her sisters have always tried to make up for the loss and make sure Sally is happy. Accordingly, Sally feels responsible for never letting her sisters or father know when she isn't happy or doesn't like something. Kelsey Humphreys has one of Sally's sisters say that she is like Julia Roberts' character in the film Runaway Bride, its not that Sally doesn't know which way she likes her eggs cooked, she just doesn't want to upset anyone by telling them she doesn't like the way they make them/like them.

Somewhat of a child prodigy, Sally is following in her mother's footsteps by training to be a doctor, where she wants to specialise in neurosurgery, but she is also a talented pianist. After yet another family meeting where her father and sisters discuss her as if she were six years old instead of twenty-one years old, deciding what she can and can't do, Sally decides that this Spring Break she will act like the lead character in her own life, instead of the cute little sister or side-kick. And that includes approaching the dangerous-looking guy with all the tattoos giving off an assassin vibe, drinking at the bar in the Ski Lodge where she and her two BFFs are staying for Spring Break.

Nate Brenner is ex-military turned security consultant. When Sally approaches him in the bar he knows she's acting more sultry and sophisticated than she really is, but he's intrigued nevertheless. After a few dates and an expected night stuck on the mountain Nate and Sally spend an amazing time together, but when Sally is called home unexpectedly she decides it is better to leave without leaving Nate a note. They had a wonderful time but there's no long-term future for them, this was just am amazing fantasy escape.

Fast forward a few months and there has been a credible threat made against the Canton family, although no-one is sure of the target. Nate's firm is brought in by Emerson Clark to provide security to the Canton family and Nate just happens to have been assigned to Canton 5. Imagine Nate's horror when the woman he's been looking for ever since that weekend turns out to be yet another spoiled rich-kid princess who told him a pack of lies.

As a bodyguard Nate sees everything, and he sees Sally just fine, if only he can get over his hurt pride and his feelings of inadequacy.

I liked this. I read another review which note that each of the Canton sisters has some weird quirk, with Sally it's knowing the origins of idioms. I could happily live without these quirks but in this case it does at least serve a purpose to show how much Nate loves Sally.

Now I'm totally up-to-date and just eagerly awaiting oldest sister Susan's story.

Read on my Kindle Unlimited subscription.

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