Sunday, 6 August 2023

Review: Third Eye

Third Eye Third Eye by Mark Hayden
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Well. First off, don't start reading the series here. Second, unless you have the memory of an elephant I suggest you go back and reread at least the last book in the series, probably best to reread all of them. I didn't heed my own warning and I struggled at first to connect all the dots and failed to remember some key things (eg Cora's secret).

Conrad and Mina's wedding day is almost upon us, and what a day (or week) it is going to be. The sheer range of magical beings and gods present alone is enough for some authors. Throw in two Fae queens, a cricket match, the Morrigan, Tom Morton (waves excitedly), and a mysterious silent man grandfathered in to a property which has now become an addiction treatment centre (think The Priory rather than a council-funded facility).

When I look back to the man Conrad Clarke was at the start of this series when he first met the Allfather, the lone wolf that he was, and compare it to the legion of friends and allies he has gathered around him it is quite remarkable. Even if sometimes it feels like an advanced level of that game where you had to remember all the items on the tray covered by the tea-towel I used to play as a child.

I thoroughly enjoyed this and really want to reread the series just to extract every last drop of enjoyment from it.

Read on my Kindle Unlimited subscription.

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