Monday, 4 September 2023

Review: The Girl in the Eagle's Talons

The Girl in the Eagle's Talons The Girl in the Eagle's Talons by Karin Smirnoff
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

DNF at 24%.

I truly loved The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo when it first came out, despite the dark nature of the book and I read the following two books with almost as much enthusiasm, although even then I thought it was becoming a bit far-fetched. I'm afraid that this book stretched my credulity to breaking point with a girl that can't feel pain (albeit I now realise she is the daughter of Lisbeth's brother who also couldn't feel pain).

Maybe its me, but the sheer awfulness of practically every character, the murders, the beatings, the abuse, made me not want to carry on reading. Also, the translation felt off, or maybe its that the storytelling jumped about so much with so many natural words that I couldn't work out what was going on.

Anyway, it felt like it was all going to get nastier and I don't want those sorts of images in my head. This is a thing I've found about authors who write horror or about serial killers, they have to escalate the atrocities to go one better than the last one and I can see that this is going the same way so I stopped at 24%. However, I am sure that people who enjoy dark detective stories with characters with special abilities will love this.

I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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