Monday, 4 September 2023

Review: Return to Embthwaite Farm

Return to Embthwaite Farm Return to Embthwaite Farm by Kate Hewitt
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Rachel left her Yorkshire home when she was eighteen years old and has rarely been back since, preferring her life as an analyst in London. Then her childhood crush and neighbour Ben Mackey calls and practically orders her home (while she is on holiday), refusing to explain why.

Despite her misgivings Rachel returns home to find her father as uncommunicative as ever and her baby sister Harriet continues to both complain that Rachel never does anything and resent her for coming home to try to help.

Rachel also feels an unwelcome romantic pull towards Ben, but after the way he treated her she can't give in to those feelings.

This is a second chance romance where everyone remembers the past differently, everyone thinks their feelings/intentions were crystal clear whereas the other person gets completely the wrong end of the stick. And there's a lot of refusing to spell things out for fear of losing face.

Unfortunately, for me Ben was the weakest link. His call to Rachel was fairly typical of his actions and attitude towards Rachel throughout the book. He just made unilateral decisions and told her what to do, or did things without consulting her. As a consequence, I felt Ben was more in the wrong but as usual the FMC is the one who makes the sacrifices.

Also apologies, I had a total reading binge and have come out of it with large numbers of books to review and not very specific reasons for liking or disliking books.

I received an ARC from the publisher Tule in return for an honest review.

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