Monday, 4 September 2023

Review: Infinite Stars

Infinite Stars Infinite Stars by David Weber
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I saw this available on Kindle Unlimited, saw reference to several authors that I knew/had heard of and thought this would be a good way to read some new authors and some novellas by previous favourites. This is going to sound really petty, but the lack of a proper table of contents listing the novellas and their authors really put me off. I want to cherry-pick novellas, or at least know which storyverse they come from, instead the only table of contents is at the back and has no authors!

Which is a long-winded way of saying I only read the Orson Scott Card novella set in the Ender Wiggin universe.

Fleet School - Renegat by Orson Scott Card - three and a half stars
Ender/Andrew and his sister Valentine come to the colony of Tarragona at the request of the governor Dabeet Ochoa to speak for Kenneth Argon who died in mysterious circumstances from a hitherto unknown toxin at a time of great unrest in the colony.

Now whilst I understand that some of what Orson Scott Card is exploring is what makes something a someone, something sentient. However, I felt there were too many similarities to things that happened in Speaker for the Dead.

Also, I felt as though half the story had been lost in editing, leaving me a bit unclear as to what had happened.

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