Wednesday, 27 March 2024

Review: Dr. Off Limits

Dr. Off Limits Dr. Off Limits by Louise Bay
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Does what it says on the tin.

Sutton is a hairdresser who studied at night and has one a trainee doctor place at the Royal Free. To take her mind off her new job, her BFF sets her up on a blind date with Beau Cove, he's perfect because he's just about to leave the UK to work in Africa for Doctors without Borders or something similar. What Sutton doesn't know is that Beau had an accident and bashed his face up so he gets his older brother Jacob to substitute so as not to let her down. Jacob is also a doctor, at the Royal Free and duh, duh, duh happens to be one of the consultants on her training scheme.

After a wonderful night of unbridled passion Sutton ignores Beau/Jacob's requests for another date, but is totally blindsided when she sees him on the first day of her training. Even worse, she is assigned to his rotation first. Sutton has worked hard to overcome her less than stellar childhood and she can't bear that anyone will think she is trying to sleep her way to the top. For his part, Jacob wants to run the training scheme and having an affair with one of his trainees would not look good. So they agree to pretend it never happened and keep their eyes on their respective prizes, which goes just about as well as you would imagine :)

I've got to admit Louise Bay is my guilty pleasure, nothing too taxing, straightforward plots, and this is no different. Very easy reading.

Read on my Kindle Unlimited subscription.

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