Friday, 15 March 2024

Review: Expiration Dates

Expiration Dates Expiration Dates by Rebecca Serle
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

DNF at 50%.

Daphne gets an anonymous note every time she starts dating a guy, letting her know how long the relationship will last: one day; four weeks; five months, and its always accurate, even if she has no initial interest in a guy. Until one day she gets a note with a name and no expiry date.

I loved the premise of this novel, unfortunately the story just didn't grab me. There seemed to be continuous descriptions of what she was wearing, what she ate, what her dates ate, what they were wearing. The story seemed disjointed flipping between dates and place randomly, one minute she's on a date, then she's working in Paris, then she's back in the US. Also, I quickly lost sight of which name had no expiry date and then I was floundering with all these dates trying to work out who he was.

I stopped reading at about 30%, then gave it another good try but at 50% in I don't really care about Daphne or who the mysterious date with no expiry date is, or what secret could torpedo their romance, sorry.

I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley for an honest review.

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