My rating: 4 of 5 stars
The third book in what I now know will be a four book series.
Nearly twenty years ago Anne Mowbray walked out on her farmer husband and two teenage daughters, she's kept in touch with the oldest Rachel through desultory periodic lunches but her youngest daughter Harriet refused to speak to her. But when Rachel calls to let Anne know that her husband is dying she feels compel to return to Yorkshire to support her daughters, even if they don't seem to want her help.
The last thing Anne expects to find when she returns to Yorkshire to care for her dying husband is to find love, but as two fifty-somethings life is never straightforward, and is it even appropriate to be dating someone new while your estranged husband is slowly dying?
I liked this book the best of the three so far, perhaps because Anne is my age and beyond the childish histrionics of Rachel and Harriet, also the two male love interests Ben and Quinn from the previous books (who in my opinion are drawn with a very broad brush and therefore slightly two dimensional) are less evident.
I received an ARC from the publisher Tule for an honest review.
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