Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Review: An Ex For Christmas: Love Unexpectedly 5

An Ex For Christmas: Love Unexpectedly 5 An Ex For Christmas: Love Unexpectedly 5 by Lauren Layne
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

A classic holiday romance style which fell flat for me.

Kelly Byrne is the sort of superstitious woman who reads her horoscope, consults a Magic 8 ball before every decision and believes in fortune tellers. When a mysterious woman tells her that she's already met her true love, she becomes obsessed with the idea of tracking him down before Christmas - so she starts a campaign to contact all of her ex-boyfriends.

Kelly lives and works in New York but also has a place in upstate New York where she spends weekends, her best friend since they were children, Mark Blakely is a local chef and has the house next door, in fact they share custody of a dog.

What is blatantly clear to everyone except Kelly is that Mark is in love with Kelly and has been for years. This is my first and major problem with the book. I didn't like Kelly. I found her to be irritating, self-absorbed, selfish and (frankly) stupid for not realising how Mark felt. My dislike of the heroine coloured my feelings towards the entire book.

Then towards the end, when Kelly and Mark make their feelings known, Mark did something which was almost a carbon copy of what (I think) Logan did in To Love and to Cherish, after waiting patiently for years, never telling Kelly how he felt, waiting for her to get on the same page, he can not literally wait 24 hours for her to confirm what her feelings are. No matter that he's had years to think about how he feels and to know that she is the one for him, no matter that he has NEVER said a word to her about his feelings, she has to be all-in or he walks away. Grrrh.

So, I am officially over Christmas stories and its only 14 November! They are too sweet, too cutesy, too predictable. I'm off to read something brutal and gory.

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