Monday, 6 November 2017

Review: Wicked Intentions

Wicked Intentions Wicked Intentions by Elizabeth Hoyt
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Having read the last three of four books in the series I am finally going back to the start to read the first nine books!

Lazarus Huntington, Lord Caire is notorious for his silver-white hair and his perverted desires for women. Temperance Dews is one of several children, she and her brother run a home for abandoned children and orphans in the slums of St Giles in London. When Lazarus' mistress Marie is brutally murdered he is determined to bring the murderer to justice and enlists Temperance's aid to glean information from the notoriously close-mouthed inhabitants of St Giles.

Temperance has always fought her lewd and unchristian feelings, her late husband told her that a woman who wanted relations with her husband more often than he did was unnatural and her desires were a sin. She is both intrigued and repulsed by the sensuous Lord Caire - what exactly are these perversions that everyone alludes to?

But as Temperance and Lazarus make enquiries they are met with violence and attempted murder - who killed Marie and who exactly is the mysterious Ghost of St Giles, is he a man or a myth?

Often the first book in a series, especially one in which you have read the last few books, appears rough, unsure, a bit murky - not this one! Right from the get go the reader is drawn into the slums of St Giles, the gin-houses and the brothels, the motherless children and the marauding gangs. The mystery and the hints about future books are all right there in the open.

A great start to the series.

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