Saturday, 4 November 2017

Review: Guilty as Sin

Guilty as Sin Guilty as Sin by Rosalind James
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Four and a half stars.

Paige and Lily are identical twins. Lily runs a lingerie shop in Sinful, Montana while Paige is a cop in San Francisco. They are celebrating their birthdays at a spa retreat. Lily is the softer, gentler twin who has a hard time saying no, while Paige is the more direct, forceful twin. Lily is feeling pressured to sell her 20 acres of land to make way for a new ski resort and finds it difficult to say no to the developer. Paige is on sick leave after being shot in a domestic violence disturbance in which her partner, the victim, and the abuser all died. Paige suggests the two of them swap places, Lily can shop and relax in San Francisco while Paige can resist the developer in Sinful.

Jace is an Australian ex-special forces commando turned thriller writer living as a recluse in Sinful after his wife dumped him. He appears to have a disturbed stalker who sends him Misery-style stories, nude pictures and underwear, which wouldn't be so disturbing if it didn't seem to have been hand-delivered. Jace has seen his neighbour Lily a number of times and dismissed her as a sweet, blonde, soft type - not the sort of woman he's interested in - until one morning he and his dog walk past her homestead and hear her swearing like a trooper at her goats.

As Paige struggles to be the feminine Lily, run a lingerie shop and deal with hostility from the townsfolk who want the new resort she also battles with her attraction to Lily's neighbour. But as Paige too is subject to random violent acts and anonymous letters she and Jace have to decide whether there is one stalker or two.

Rosalind James manages to inject both humour and suspense into this wonderful novel where no-one is who they seem and I was kept guessing the end as to the identity of the stalker(s). I loved this book and can't wait for Lily's book!

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