Friday, 17 November 2017

Review: One More Promise

One More Promise One More Promise by Samantha Chase
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Paige Walters works for her family PR firm in Los Angeles with her father and sister. She has always felt like an Ugly Duckling, or maybe Cinderella compared to her tall, svelte, glamorous sister and always falls short in the eyes of their father, even though her sister Ariel never actually does any work and dumps it all on Paige. Although with clients and other people Paige is forthright and firm, with her father and sister she is just a doormat and she never gets the courage to call them on their bad behaviour.

Paige feels passionately about a charity called Literacy Now and she has come up with a campaign involving famous authors, which she hopes will encourage reluctant readers at school to get more involved with books.

As usual, Ariel is asked to do one simple thing and, not only doesn't do what she was asked, but decides to go off on a tangent. Instead of contacting famous authors, Ariel decides that what the campaign needs are just famous people full stop and has invited rock stars and actors instead.

Dylan Anders has just spent three months in rehab after crashing his car whilst under the influence. He is the bass player with Shaughnessy, a famous rock band, and desperate to turn his life around. He is required to perform several months' Community Service following the accident and thinks that the literacy now campaign could be something he could get behind, particularly because he had difficulty reading as a child too.

Paige really has no idea who Dylan is, which he finds refreshing, initially put off by his tattoos and image she comes to find that the man underneath is nothing like the media image. Dylan likes Paige, he knows she is too good for him, she should date a lawyer or someone like that, but while the band is on hiatus he thinks the campaign will keep him out of trouble. he's never had a relationship last more than a few months anyway and Paige just isn't that sort of girl.

Paige is sick of her sister taking all the glory while she does all the hard work, she's sick of her father falling for Ariel's attention-grabbing tactics, she's sick of Ariel undermining her and criticising her clothing choices, but most of all she's sick of everyone thinking she's Miss Goody Two Shoes. if she wants to have a short-lived affair with a tatted rocker, why shouldn't she?

This was just a joy from start to finish. I haven't read any of the other books in the series but I don't think its necessary to be able to enjoy this one. If you like bad boys trying to turn over a new leaf and clever, funny women with a sweet tooth then this is definitely a great romance for you. I also got the distinct impression that this was a 'fade to black' kind of romance, I'm not going to go back and double check every sexy moment, but that was my overall opinion.

I thought I recognised some lines from famous (to me) films in there somewhere too!

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

View all my reviews

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