Saturday, 1 October 2022

Review: The Bodyguard

The Bodyguard The Bodyguard by Katherine Center
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Hannah Brooks is an Executive Protection Officer (aka bodyguard). When her mother dies and her long-term boyfriend dumps her shortly after all she wants to do is leave the USA and do her job, unfortunately her sadistic boss Glenn has other ideas and forces her to take lead on protecting movie star Jack Stapleton in their home state of Texas.

What with cheating ex-boyfriends muscling in on Hannah's promotion to the London office, a cutsie stalker, and a a fake girlfriend Hannah has her hands full, not even considering her crush on Jack.

Argh, someone recommended this so I splurge over £10 to buy an e-book (which frankly I only do for authors like Anne Bishop, Patricia Briggs and Ben Aaronovitch). Frankly, I was disappointed. A kick-ass bodyguard who exhibit absolutely no kick-ass characteristics whatsoever. In fact, she cried so much I was embarrassed for her. It was superficial, glib and (whisper) a bit boring TBH.

A Hollywood superstar who's scarily down-to-earth and a bodyguard who is pole-axed by a Hollywood actor - unbelievable and it didn't really sell me.

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