Tuesday, 4 October 2022

Review: Santa, Please Bring Me a Boyfriend

Santa, Please Bring Me a Boyfriend Santa, Please Bring Me a Boyfriend by Sophie Ranald
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

DNF at 55%.

Rowan is feeling a bit down. She and the father of her daughter spit up a long time ago, but they've secretly been getting it on for several years, so when she finds out that he is getting married to his new girlfriend she feels a little bereft, especially since her daughter will be a bridesmaid.

Rowan's best friends decide to cheer her up by sending her a Liberty's advent calendar (Liberty being an upmarket department store in London). But because they know Rowan would cheat and open all the doors on the first day they decide to courier the gifts to her on a daily basis. Some of them are beauty products but others are aimed at boosting her self-esteem (eg vouchers for a swanky lingerie shop). But what boosts Rowan's esteem more is the kind, and good-looking courier Alex, as he delivers her presents everyday he stays to see what she has received. There is a secret about Alex (frankly it might have been revealed early on but if it was I've forgotten), and literally that is it, I'm over half way through the book and that is all I have.

I have read and enjoyed several books by Sophie Ranald in the past but unfortunately this was not one of them. I stopped and started the book several times and promised myself I would get at least halfway before making any rash decisions, but here I am, 55% through and still waiting for something to happen. So this is where I bail out. Maybe I've just got a bit of the Christmas Grinch.

I received an ARC of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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