Monday, 10 October 2022

Review: Some Kind of Wonderful

Some Kind of Wonderful Some Kind of Wonderful by Giovanna Fletcher
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Three and a half stars.

Lizzy and Ian have been together for years, ever since Uni, and everyone expects Ian to pop the question any day now. He's even pre-gamed asking her Dad's permission because it's that much of a foregone conclusion. Only it's never happened, every romantic break, Valentine's Day Lizzy keeps expecting it ... but nothing. Now on a luxurious holiday in Dubai, at an intimate dinner for two on the beach It looks like it's finally happening, but it turns out to be something very different.

Now Lizzy is back living with her parents in Essex, with no boyfriend and realises that somewhere along the path of becoming a 'we' she has lost sight of the girl she used to be, subduing her likes (The Spice Girls, short skirts, and clubbing) for Ian's more high-brow tastes.

The trouble is ... LIzzy spends half the book realising that she changed while she was with Ian and wanting to 'find herself' and the other half of the book realising that she would have changed in a decade anyway. It all seemed a bit pointless, loved the journey but not the destination.

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