Friday, 21 October 2022

Review: Making the Deal

Making the Deal Making the Deal by Shelby MacKenzie
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

DNF at 20%.

Rayna "Ray" is apparently an entrepreneur, a lawyer, and she's developed some amazing software for law firms which is in great demand. She has been offered a merger with a large law practice which will give her more money, success and power.

Jax is the founder of said large law practice, apparently, he needs this merger to take his business to the next level, but he seems intent on sabotaging the deal. When he meets Rayna he is shocked that she is female (poor little brain can't cope) and does everything in his power to antagonise her, despite her software being in huge demand. Then he abruptly ends their merger discussion after about fifteen minutes and arbitrarily demands that they resume discussions at his home, in the evening, and sets a casual dress code. WTAF?

Instead of calling off the merger and complaining about his unprofessional behaviour, Ray is struck by how good looking he is and how much she wants to kiss him. Like a big ol' schmuck she rocks up to his house like she's going on a date, where he's prepared a romantic dinner complete with candles (RED FLAG) and they kiss FFS.

The next morning, she flip-flops over his unprofessional behaviour and wanting to kiss him again. I just can't even, it's so juvenile and unrealistic. How either of them could possibly have built up their own successful law firms is inconceivable. It also feels very icky to make it seem that this sort of behaviour is romantic or sexy rather than creepy.

I thought I could finish this because I saw that it was quite a short book, but life is too short.

I received an ARC of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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