Monday, 10 June 2024

Review: Killing Time

Killing Time Killing Time by Jodi Taylor
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Three and a half stars.

Someone is selling Moai from Easter Island. Mikey has developed Rapidly Hardening String and testing it on Time Police volunteers. Two young trainspotters have built a time machine in their shed and used it to travel back to Italy where they want to witness the inaugural journey of the notorious Zanetti Train which departed Rome in 1911 and was seen entering the Lombardy tunnel as planned, but never emerged from the other end of the tunnel. Various alleged sightings of the train have been recorded in Mexico, in the Ukraine, in Russia, in Modena all through time. The Weird Squad or Team 236 as they prefer to be known are barely speaking to each other. The Time Police are stretched very thin.

I really enjoyed this, but at the same time I wanted it to be longer and have more going on! I'm intrigued with the Grint/Jane/Luke dynamic and I'm warring against myself as to what outcome I'm rooting for (that should probably be 'for which outcome I am rooting' but it feels too stuffy).

Anyway, it isn't really a cliff-hanger, but also, THAT ENDING!

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