My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Kailyn Flowers was a megafan of the teen series It's My Life and its heartthrob star Daxton Hughes, she has a wonderful meet cute with the former actor at college when he knocks her over while playing frisbee. They spend the college years as arch-rivals in law classes, Kailyn still fangirling behind his back, until Dax sabotages Kailyn's degree.
Fast forward eight years, Kailyn is a Trust lawyer and Dax is an entertainment lawyer. When Dax's parents are killed in a car crash he is shock to discover that his parents have left him as sole guardian of his 13 year old sister Emme, rather than his aunt Linda. As the lawyer who drew up Dax's sister's trust, Kailyn is approached by Dax to understand the details. Then, when Aunt Linda petitions for custody Kailyn is appointed as Emme's conservator to mediate between Dax and Linda. The old attraction to Dax is still there but which is the real Dax, does he really want to look after Emme and is he just looking for comfort from someone safe?
I received an extract of this book from NetGalley which I enjoyed so I went ahead and got the book, unfortunately for me the book did not live up to the first few chapters. I felt the book was heavy on the sex and light on the plot, every time I got interested in the plot off we swerved into pages and pages of kissing and fumbling and sex - after a while I just started flicking past until I got to the plot again. Overall I thought it was just too predictable.
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