Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Review: Top Secret

Top Secret Top Secret by Sarina Bowen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Luke Bailey has won a scholarship to Darby College, he's a local but his family is toxic so he rushed Alpha Delta fraternity in order to get housing. He's working two jobs (bar and stripper) just to afford the rent on the smallest room in the frat house and living off cheese sandwiches. He's got a plan, the President gets free board at the frat house so he's going to stand for President against preppy, entitled jock Keaton Hayward.

Keaton Hayward III is third generation Apha Delta, his father (the CEO of a bif pharmaceutical company) and grandfather were both Presidents of the fraternity and he is aiming to do the same. When his sweet, but vanilla high school girlfriend says she wants a three-way for her twenty-first birthday present Keaton is surprised but happy to go along. He signs them up (anonymously) to a hook-up site called Kink and starts vetting potential matches for his gf's big surprise.

When Keaton and Luke start messaging on the app as LobsterShorts and SinnerThree things start off business-like with Luke testing whether Keaton is really happy with the ramifications of his gf's choices, but soon Keaton is sharing his geeky facts about mating in the animal kingdom and the two of them are developing a relationship.

What can I say, two of my favourite authors. I've noticed a theme in their college novels which tend to start off really raunchy and factor 100 on the phoar scale but become sweeter as the characters develop their relationship. This is definitely a rich-guy/poor-guy romance, it's about reaching for what you really want and standing up for yourself and what's right. It's 100% Sarina Bowen and Elle Kennedy sweet, sexy, articulate, romantic, funny love conquers all.


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