Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Review: Ross

Ross Ross by Jennifer Ashley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Three and a half stars.

Not sure why it's taken me nearly a year to read this, started it, put it down and I've only just picked it up again.

This fifth book in the Riding Hard series features Ross Campbell, the brother who has become a deputy sheriff. On patrol one day, Ross comes across a car with a flat tire at the side of the road, complete with bride who turns out to be Callie Jones. The Jones family are wealthy and influential, way above the boisterous Campbell boys, Ross always had a soft spot for Callie when they were at school but he was too nervous ever to ask her out. Ross takes Callie to the church for her wedding, only to discover that the groom didn't bother to wait!

Can Callie and Ross overcome the prejudices of their small town and have a romance?

Set against danger in a small town from gangs and an unscrupulous sheriff, this was a fun romance with just a dash of suspense. Once I got reading I really enjoyed the romance between these two unlikely characters and the young boy/man Manny who they try to pull onto the straight and narrow.

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